The Collective


The Collective

So what happens when 7.9 billion people simultaneously have their nodes affected by slower moving planets?

To get an idea of the significance, lets have a look at what happens when slower moving planets go through Cancer or Capricorn as we all have both the heliocentric and geocentric nodes of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (south nodes) and Cancer (north nodes), and most of us also have both heliocentric and geocentric nodes of Jupiter in Capricorn (south node) and Cancer (north node), though some of us may have the nodes of Jupiter in the latest degrees of Sagittarius/Gemini.

A good place to start research is looking at Pluto, the slowest moving planet of the Solar System and what happens on a collective plane when Pluto transits either Cancer or Capricorn.

Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, but due to its tilted orbit, it travels faster through the side towards Scorpio the sign that it rules, taking only 11 to 12 years to go through Scorpio, while it travels slower towards the Taurus side, and takes a whole 31 to 32 years to go through Taurus opposite Scorpio.

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Pluto, the ruler of the Underworld, was discovered February 18, 1930. At the time it was situated at 17.45º Cancer less than one degree from its own north node at 18.27º degrees Cancer. The 1930 were the years of the great depression (Uranus was simultaneously transiting Taurus) highly personally affecting millions of people, and in response to the depression, the rise of extremism, Nazi Germany, and communist Russia and China.

Pluto rules extremes so things can get out of hand with Pluto affecting the collective. The nodes of Jupiter rules our collective belief systems, the nodes of Saturn the hierarchical structure of society. The nodes of Pluto our collective deepest security attachments.

When WW2 broke out Pluto was conjunct the North node of Saturn. The war finally ended when Pluto reached the north node of Neptune in Leo.

Conjunctions from slower moving planets to the nodes of Saturn often corresponds to the breakout of wars (Saturn rules governments and oppressive forces), while conjunctions to the nodes of Neptune often correlates with the time the wars end (Neptune rules surrender). Mark Jones book “the Planetary Nodes and Collective Evolution” has some mind-boggling research in regards to that:


Fast forward to the opposite side and the south nodes in Capricorn. Pluto entered Capricorn, the sign of it’s south node in 2008 and will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius win 2024.

The signs of Cancer and Capricorn, as they rule the mother and the father, are often related to gender issues, and we have seen an explosion of rapid onset gender dysphoria in the young and a totalitarian new belief system that demands we pretend we think sex is a social construct, and especially women, who are reluctant to give up being women in order to become a fragment of someones imagination, are persecuted if they don’t comply with the dogma.

We have also seen cities burning and statues of our forefathers (Capricorn) destroyed. Women who point out that there is a hysteria similar to pre Nazi Germany get fired from their jobs.

The pandemic

Pluto first reached its own southnode at 20° Capricorn  in. March 2018

At the same time the Lunar nodes were conjunct the nodes of Neptune, and the planet Neptune at 14° Pisces was simultaneously squaring the nodes of Uranus, while Uranus at 26° Aries reaching  the south node of Chiron at 29° Aries in May 2018. Pluto stayed conjunct its own SN through 2018 (18° to 21° Capricorn). In late 2018 Saturn reached the south node of Jupiter at 10° while Jupiter was still in Sagittarius. 

In 2019 Saturn reached the south node of Pluto at 20° (Pluto still close at 22°)

In January 2020 Saturn and Pluto conjuncted on 22°, right between their south nodes at 20° (Pluto) and 24° (Saturn) while Jupiter simultaneously reached its own southnode at 10° Capricorn. Soon after Saturn reached 24° and its own south node. It seems to me the event has been in the cooking since 2018, but became reality when Saturn (ruler of reality) reached its own south node in January 2020.

This is such a rare event that the three planets simultaneously conjunct their own south nodes that we don’t even now when it has happened last as astrology software don’t go that long back in time, but safe to say it is a very very long time ago. 

Talk about everyone being affected!!


We do have a chance to stop the madness now (January 2022) with Saturn on the south node of Neptune. The nodes of Neptune can be used for endings, and if we stop pretending and use reality (Saturn) as guide, we can end the madness.

If we don’t connect to reality, That might mean we won’t be past this insanity until Pluto reaches the south node of Neptune in 2030 Or at least it seems so when looking at past and starts (conjunctions to nodes of Saturn) and ends of wars (conjunctions to nodes of Neptune). Strange times..

A big shoutout to the Canadian truckers! ❤️

A big shoutout to the Canadian truckers! ❤️

The heliocentric nodes of Venus

and the collective evolution of women

The geocentric nodes of Venus as they follow the Sun are deeply personal, but we all share the position of the heliocentric nodes of Venus at almost 17° Gemini (north node) and Sagittarius (south node).

So let’s have a look at women’s evolution at times of slower moving planets affecting the nodes of Venus.

In 1901-1902 Pluto (orbit 248 years) and Uranus (orbit 84 years) opposed at 17° Gemini (Pluto) and Sagittarius (Uranus). In 1903 the Suffragettes were born, the opposition still in effect at 20° (Pluto) and 22° (Uranus).

fast forward to 1965-1966, to the next hard Pluto Uranus aspect, the conjunction in Virgo. The first exact conjunction in 1966 was at 17° Virgo, almost exactly square the nodes of Venus, and women all over the world stood up for their sex based rights.

Uranus (orbit 84 years entered Libra (ruling women) in fall 1968 and women’s liberation (Uranus=revolution) was shocking society. John Lennon and Yoko Ono (who met in 1966 during the Pluto Uranus conjunction) famously went to bed for peace in spring 1969.

Neptune (orbit 165 years) entered Sagittarius in 1970, and Saturn (orbit 29 years) opposed Neptune at 3 to 5° Gemini/Sagittarius in 1971-1972, not making aspect to any collective nodes, however in early 1972 less than a week after the last exact Saturn Neptune opposition at 5°, the day Mars and Venus aligned on the north node of Venus, John Lennon’s ‘Woman is the nigger of the world’ was released. the man (mars) joining the woman (Venus) in the struggle.

However shortly after the undermining (Neptune) influence of pornographers exploiting the newfound sexual liberation of women, started to creep in.

Pluto changed from Virgo into Libra in 1972, and at the last critical degree (29°) of Virgo when Saturn reached 11° Gemini and was within the range if the north node of Uranus (heliocentric at 14.10°), the day that Venus (orbit 225 days), Mercury (orbit 88 days) and the Moon (orbit 27 days) aligned on 29° Gemini, squaring Pluto, we saw the release of ‘Deep Throat’

The symbolism is clear. Some men are terrible in bed, and cannot give a woman an orgasm. Such beta males tend to be in favour of finding ways to make the woman vomit, as the contractions of the intestines when she is vomiting reminds him of the contractions of an orgasm. This has since been a trend in porn to this day, so that about a third of men now believe the sexiest thing they can do to a woman is to spit her in the face and attempt to strangle her. If you are with such man, just walk away. Dump the loser. Don’t waste your precious life. Sex is supposed to make you feel good. It is not supposed to make you uncomfortable, or hurt you. Porn is not sex.

In a way one can say that the nodes of Uranus and the nodes of Venus cannot be separated as they are less than 3 degrees apart and that has been the case for a very long time. The nodes of Uranus are both connected to new inventions and science, as well as shock and trauma. When there is shock to society, changes in women’s status in society often follow. In 2001 Saturn opposed Uranus right on the nodes of Uranus.

A lot of war and changes to society followed. This is worth a chapter on it’s own, but would take more research time than I can spend now.

In 2018 and 2019 Neptune made exact squares to the nodes of Venus and a fog has engulfed society and women are no longer allowed to call themselves women as that is not inclusive to men who want to call themselves women. Women are silenced, ostracised, banned, fired, arrested, if they object to being called misogynist names like ‘bodies with vaginas’ or if they want to gather without the presence of men.

One can hope that more people start realising that women are human, and not a figment of imagination, as the cloud lifts with Neptune slowly moving away from the square.

Luckily we have women like Posie Parker aka Kellie-Jay Keen. She has both Sun, south node of the Moon, geocentric north node of Venus, and her MC conjunct the heliocentric north node of Venus. She’s a bright and shiny leading star!

And of course Neptune also brings miracles. Abba who were the biggest world wide superstars in 1977 when Neptune conjuncted the south node of Venus, just released an album after a 40 year break, that would have been in the making over the last years with Neptune squaring the nodes of Venus. Have you heard it. It is really good!

So what about aspects to the planetary nodes in the natal chart? —>


The Geocentric Perspective


The Personal