Chiron Sucks!

I love the mythological figure of Chiron. he controls his beastly nature. He is kind, he is wise, he is a healer, he mentors the young, and like Jesus Christ, he sacrifices himself to free humanity. He is a total hero!

But Chiron is the ruler of suffering. And suffering sucks!

Chiron himself got wounded by an arrow dipped in the incurable poison from the monster Hydra, that some drunken centaurs misfired. Chiron couldn’t cure himself as the poison from Hydra is incurable, yet couldn’t die as he was half god, so he suffered terribly for 50 years, until he gave up his immortality to free Prometheus.


Prometheus was the one who stole fire from the gods for the humans to master, and as a punishment he had been chained to a rock in Hades to have his liver eaten by eagles everyday and have it grow back out every night to be eaten all over again. By Chirons sacrifice Prometheus was freed from his eternal torture.

The gods turned Chiron into a constellation in honor of his sacrifice.

The Chiron archetype comes in many expressions, he did not only suffer, he was also a mentor, teacher and healer. He is the founder of medicine. He loved his wife and was faithful to her. There are many expressions of Chiron so Do not freak out if you have a prominent Chiron/nodes of Chiron in your chart.

That being said, When researching the collective nodes of Chiron, we do find that they tend to be activated at times when suffering on a mass scale occurs.

Patrick Graham who has done extensive research on planetary nodes and historical events, sent me this research of his, on famines and the nodes of Chiron. The planets transiting the nodes of chiron (and squaring nodes of Saturn) in the study are the slow moving planets of Pluto=248 year orbit, Neptune 165=years orbit, uranus=84 year orbit, Chiron=50 year orbit. So these are rare aspects. (sn=south node, and nn=north node).

From Patrick Graham:


“10 Out of the 17 famines I have researched have a late Aries/Libra conjunction to a node of Chiron square the Nodes of Saturn”

Russian Famine 1601:  Pluto late Aries conjunct SN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn.  Probably the worse famine in Russian history. The same famine killed about half the Estonian population.

Prussian / French Famine 1708:  Neptune late Aries conjunct SN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn. Wiped out 41% of the population of Prussia.

Doji Bara Famine 1789:  Neptune Libra conjunct NN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn.  11 Million dead.

Irish Potato Famine 1845:  Pluto late Aries conjunct SN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn.  Killed more than 1 million people and over 1.5 - 2 million emigrated.

Chinese Famine 1850:  Uranus & Pluto late Aries conjunct SN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn. As a result of imperialism, the Opium Wars and the Taiping Rebellion, drought, and famine, the population of China dropped by more than 60 million.

Global Famine 1876:  Chiron & Neptune late Aries/Taurus conjunct SN Chiron square Nodes of Saturn.  Famine in India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other countries). Famine in northern China killed 13 million people. 5.25 million died in India alone.

Indian Famine 1896:  Chiron Libra conjunct NN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn. Series of famines in India due to drought and British policies.  6 million deaths.

Ukraine Famine 1932:  Uranus late Aries conjunct SN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn.  7- 10 million in Ukraine, millions in Russia as a result of Stalin's policies.

Great Chinese Famine 1959:  Neptune early Scorpio conjunct NN Chiron.  15 Million people died.

Cambodia Famine 1975:  Chiron late Aries conjunct SN Chiron square Nodes of Saturn, Uranus late Libra conjunct NN Chiron, square Nodes of Saturn.  An estimated 2 million Cambodians lost their lives to murder, forced labour and famine.

The current Uranus in Taurus square the Nodes of Neptune has only been present in 2 famines: The Great Bengal Famine of 1770 and the Chinese Famine of 1928. However, all the famines except 1 have more than 1 aspect involving the outer planets and most have 3 hard aspects.  The current picture of Uranus in Taurus square nodes of Neptune, Pluto conj SN Saturn, and Neptune square the nodes of Uranus definitely classifies as a significant famine threat.  

Uranus or Neptune in hard aspect to each others nodes occurs in nearly half the famines!  This only gets worse with Chiron inching its way through Aries in the next few years to conjunct its own SN.

Thank you Patrick!

Are we facing a famine? Hopefully not. But we do face the financial consequences of the lock down of the world, and While worrying extensively isn’t helpful at all, we may want to look for plan b ways of surviving, as we cannot rely on that things keep working the way they used to when so much is changed so fast.


There is often an aura of suffering saint around Chiron the suffering healer, who sacrificed himself to free Prometheus, similar to Christ who suffered on the cross for our sins.

I have seen many charts of really good and kind people with a prominent Chiron in their chart who have a saint like vibe about them (often as a result of having suffered and turned to God)

So I want to emphasise that aspects from personal planets or points to nodes of Chiron do not necessarily mean that one will cause suffering to others. There is however an example of one man who caused terrible suffering to millions of people, in the chart of Adolf Hitler with the AC conjunct the north node of Chiron (square the north node of Saturn) and the Sun conjunct the south node of Chiron.

The AC and the Sun are highly personal (the AC goes through the whole 369º zodiac in 24 hours, and the Sun move one degree per day).


Hitler personally (AC+Sun) affected the many (conjunct collective nodes) with suffering (of Chiron).

Though there wasn’t anything saint like about Hitler, I do believe he saw himself as a saint and a saviour. Other factors of his chart that I won’t go into here, matter in that delusion..

Again do not freak out if you have the nodes of Chiron on the AC or a personal planet or point. It doesn’t make you Hitler. No planetary combinations does that. Turning yourself into a monstrous tyrant is always a choice.


My Life. My Heart. Black Night. My Star