My life my heart.
Black night. my star.

Millions of people around the world get a little happy by the mere mentioning of the bandname Motörhead. Even post mortem.

There is this demigod human beast spirit about Lemmy, that amplified through his music connects with, and awakens, something very ancient, deep, powerful, joyful and primal within the listener.

For 40 years Motorhead 1975-2015, roamed the earth to the ecstatic joy of their fans.

Then Lemmy felt a bit dizzy shortly after his 70 year birthday, was diagnosed with brain cancer, and two days later he was killed by death.

Lemmy Kilmister is a legend and though he is no longer with us, his spirit lives on through his evergreen music.

People who touch something deep within millions of other people often have connections to the collective planetary nodes in their charts, and Lemmy is no exception.

Lemmy has the Sun at 2.10° Capricorn conj. the ac at 2.30° Capricorn. His lunar nodes, what Mark Jones calls ‘The Destiny Line’ are at 29.56 Sagittarius (south node) and Gemini (north node) so the south node is in close conjunction to the Sun and AC though they are in different signs (Sagittarius and Capricorn).

Saturn the planetary ruler of Capricorn (his star!) is at 22.56° Cancer widely conjunct its own north node at 25.40° Cancer, and also conjunct widely the north node of Pluto at 19.59° Cancer.

The AC ruler on two collective nodes connects to the public, the deeply personal point of the AC, from where the self acts in the world, merged with the creative center of the self, the Sun, both of the Capricorn archetype, that are both also merged with the deep past of the self, the south node of the Moon.

The sun in conjunction with the south node of the moon indicates preciously developed (south node) creative (Sun) talents, that are being illuminated (Sun) or that the individual illuminate.

The south node of the Moon holds information on what would be the self(s) of recent past incarnations if one goes into reincarnation theories. It may show talents that we mysteriously are born with, that in Lemmy’s case is of the Sagittarius archetype mixed with 12th house (naturally related to the Pisces archetype). The 12th house (Pisces) archetype rules music, Sagittarius rules galloping horses and motorcycles..can you hear it?

Adding Pluto, ruler of Scorpio (his MC=vocation), in Leo in the 8th, right on the collective north node of Neptune. Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces, thus ruler of music, Pluto adds a strong Scorpio energy to the mix of the music. The underworld, the dressing in black, the themes of death. And a simultaneous deep soulfulness and beauty underneath.

We can see the importance of Saturn and Pluto (AC and MC rulers) on the collective nodes of Saturn, Pluto and Neptune, that we all roughly share the position of, when looking to the sky in June 1975 when Motorhead came into existence at Lemmy’s first Saturn return. In June 1975, transiting Saturn was at 18.40º Cancer conjunct the north node of Pluto and his natal Saturn. Transiting Jupiter, the ruler of his south node (of the Moon) squared Saturn from Aries joined by Mars.

At the time, Pluto was at 6º Libra, making a sextile to it’s own natal position…which would fit with…yes! Bingo! Five years later in October 1980, transiting Pluto is at 22 Libra squaring Lemmy’s natal Saturn (and the collective nodes of Pluto and Saturn), and soon after the transiting Lunar nodes conjuncted his Pluto (and the collective nodes of Neptune). October 1980 was when Motorhead released ‘Ace of Spades’ that was such a huge hit that poor Lemmy got pretty sick of having to play it night after night for the next 35 years to satisfy his audience.


The longer lasting aspects of slow moving Saturn and Pluto to the collective nodes around the time of his birth (making everyone born around that time having those conjunctions) become highly personal by being rulers of AC and MC, as the AC/MC change by the hour, and goes through all signs in 24 hours. And his fame is highly personal, or connected to the icon; Lemmy.

Only Lemmy is Motorhead. It is him we are thinking of when we think Motorhead.. His voice. His appearance. His songs, His music. Everybody wants to be Motorhead but there can never be another him. He is unique.

Lemmy’s Uranus is at 14.44 Gemini conjunct its own north node at 12.45 Gemini. His Mercury at 10.16 Sagittarius is opposing the north node of Uranus, while the south node of Uranus at 14.36 Sagittarius is opposing the planet Uranus.


The collective nodes of Uranus can relate to what is new and shocking for the collective. What is different and unique (Uranus=Aquarius archetype). Motorhead is pure and faithful traditional rock’n’roll that never changes, and yet unique and different from everyone else.

Mercury relates to words and lyrics. And Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, the sign of the north node, thus of great importance for his personal evolution. His lyrics resonate with our inner rebel (nodes of Uranus). And as if Mercury with the nodes of Uranus wasn’t enough to connect us with his lyrics, his north node of Mercury is at 18.21 Capricorn conjunct the south node of Pluto at 19.05 Capricorn. The evolutionary intention of his words fused with the origin of the soul of humanity, irresistibly making us all sing along, loudly, enthusiastically, heartfelt and happily “you know I’m goin’ to lose, that gambling is for fools, but that’s the way I like it baby I don’t wanna live forever…-and don’t forget your joker!”


I find it quite remarkable how there isn’t anything in his chart that isn’t directly or indirectly connected to lunar or planetary nodes. His Jupiter, (ruler of Sagittarius thus the south node of the moon), is square the north node of Saturn, his Chiron is square the nodes of Pluto. his Neptune is square the nodes of Jupiter. His Moon square the north node of Uranus. His Venus (that voice!) is widely conjunct its own south node, and the south node on the galactic center. (I’m tempted to allow a 4 degree orb here for more information on Venus+nodes of Venus, but I won’t). The nodes of Chiron seem to gently move out of the way of their potential square to Mars, but Mars is inconjunct (150º) the south node of the Moon.

Much more could be said in detail, but I’d rather leave the rest of the astrology lesson in the hands of the man himself:

Fare well in the afterlife mr. Kilmister. Much love and thank you for all the music!


Intense Softness


Chiron Sucks!