I never knew Magdalen Berns while she was alive, and when I found her videos I was so happy because it felt as having found a friend, and so sad because she had died so I felt I had lost and found her at the same time.

Magdalen was a boxer, feminist, women’s rights activist, stem graduate, lesbian, Youtube star. She was the one who turned the slur TERF around, making it sound cool, like black American rappers did with the N-word back when they were still allowed to do so.

Magdalen was absolutely brilliant. She was smart, and had a great dry humour. Her videos are hilarious, and are still very popular on Youtube, though trans activists regularly try to get them taken down and her Wikipedia erased so that no one can know she ever existed. But we know she existed. And she was great. She was a courageous, beautiful, brilliant women. We are many who love her dearly.

Magdalen had Venus in exact conjunction to the north node of the Moon in Gemini. She was one of the first to catch on to what was happening with female (Venus) language (Gemini) being erased, and as she said, “if you can’t say you have a body, a female body. How the hell are you gonna defend your rights?”.

She would have had a strong sense of the meaning of ownership and the body with the big activity in Taurus of north nodes of Mars and Mercury in exact conjunction, and the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Chiron conjunction and with the north node of Venus in exact conjunction to Chiron. I see the strong Mars and Mercury as her very powerful speech and the boxing. There is this sort of dancing way about the way she speaks. Like a boxer in a ring. A sort of embodiment of the speech. Sensual. Grounded. Real. (Taurus).

Chiron is the wounded healer, who couldn’t heal himself and gave up his immortality to free Prometheus, the human who stole fire from the gods and had been chained to a rock in Hades as punishment to have his liver eaten by eagles every day and it would grow back out every night. Thanks to Chiron’s sacrifice, Prometheus was freed and we still got the fire.

Magdalen with the north node of Venus conjunct Chiron, has an aura of saint about her since she tragically died in late 2019 from an aggressive brain tumour. The chart suggests to me that it was part of a past life trauma that needed to be worked through. With Neptune ruling both sickness and surrender, on the south node of the Moon (past life), and her being such a fighter, and Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius (the sign of the south node of the Moon) conjunct Uranus (shock/trauma), suggests to me that a past life defeat (I get a vague image of a blow to the head), has caused both the fighting spirit (learning to box to be able to defend herself) and yet the need to go through an archetypal representation of the previous defeat to come to terms with it.

And now I get all sad because she died, though I do believe she lives on. I am happy she existed, and that she did the great work that she did. I highly recommend checking out her videos if you don’t know her.

God bless her sweet soul!


Tyranny of War versus Tyranny of Equality