Pluto's transit through either Cancer or Capricorn is important in regards to world events as we all have the collective nodes of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto running from Capricorn to Cancer in our chart, so we are all affected by the transit. Pluto is currently transiting Capricorn (2008-2024)

It is quite interesting to note that the last time Pluto went through Cancer (1914-1939), the oppression people had to deal with, was two world wars (WW2 broke out just as Pluto left Cancer and was conjunct the geocentric north node of Saturn). 

To understand we can use the principle of the Cardinal Cross. The sign on the last square (naturally related to Capricorn) to any archetype is related to consequences and Karma, and society, often experienced as oppression, tyranny, or things raining down on us.

So when applying that principle to Pluto in Cancer (1914-1939), the last square would be the Aries archetype, ruling war and warlords. Two world wars was most certainly some heavy tyranny of war, raining down on the people. Now with Pluto in Capricorn, we have seen another form of tyranny raise to hysterical intensity. The tyranny of equality. The last square to Capricorn is Libra, the ruler of equality.

Making diversity be equality, and thus all having to be diverse in an equal way, and only do things that express equal diversity is challenging to say the least. Everything has to have an equal amount of each colour, resulting in everything being painted in rainbow colours which is not very pleasing to the senses. Some differences are deemed the right kind of differences, while others are deemed the wrong kind of differences and we are each boxed into an identical diverse rainbow box. Even homosexuals cringe when seeing a rainbow flag by now. 

Another thing characteristic of the Cancer/Capricorn polarity is gender roles. Cancer rules the mother and Capricorn the father, and so we learn gender roles from watching our parents. Since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, rapid onset gender dysphoria has spread like a wildfire all around the world, and everywhere laws are being changed so that a woman is no longer a physical thing, but a figment of anyones imagination. This is to be inclusive and equal to men who like to imagine they are women. 

Women who oppose this erasure of themselves as a reality, are persecuted. This week in Wales, we saw a women, Jennifer Swayne, being arrested for putting up stickers, stating statistical facts about violence against women. A search warrant issued, and her house searched, and a book deemed dangerous thinking has been confiscated from her home.

This is a very dangerous turn of society. police investigating thoughts.

Dehumanisation is precondition for atrocities and crimes against humanity. We are dehumanising humans by denying biological reality. 

To see what happens when we make ideas more important than physical human reality, look no further than to when Pluto transited Cancer and what resulted. We need to stop the nonsense now. It is not complicated. We are humans, we have a body. We are either men or women. No matter what we imagine or cut off. 

Women, by their biology, are what connects us to reality. We can imagine that everything is a figment of imagination until pregnancy and childbirth happens. A baby matters. Only the most cold hearted and reptilian beings can't understand that. Men (often sex offenders) are now being put in women's prisons, and the prisons hand out condoms to the women and put up posters offering abortions and adoption. I don't think anyone with a heart can think that is good. We need to change the laws back. Biology matters.

I would strongly urge that everyone with a conscience, put aside their differences on what they think of left and right or if they otherwise believe the Moon is made of cheese, and stand firm for biological reality. The time to speak before it's too late is now.


Magdalen Berns birth chart


The Erasure of Women