Neptune (erasure) squaring the collective nodes of Venus (women)

Neptune ruling erasure and silencing, with an orbit time of 165 years squared the heliocentric (collective) nodes of Venus (women) from 2018 through 2020,. Sagittarius rules belief systems and Gemini speech.

Though we have seen a general silencing of anyone diverting the slightest from the consensus narrative in the years that Neptune has squared both the collective nodes of Uranus and Venus, women are the only ones who are not allowed to state what they are based on biology.

Twitter permanently suspended Meghan Murphy's account in late November 2018, after she referred to Jessica Yaniv, a man who calls himself a transwoman, as "him"

In September 2018 Primesight removed the billboard of Posie Parker stating the dictionary definition of woman. Primesight, the worlds leading advertisement company, issued an official apology that it should have raised a red flag in their copy department as it was so offensive.

JK Rowling has been denounced from her own productions for suggesting we call women, women instead of menstruates. 

Maya Forstater has been fired for saying that biological sex is real, and have won a court case that it may be a protected belief to believe in biology.(!!?)

A series of other women have been fired from their jobs for stating that biology is reality, many we will never hear about. Women are no longer allowed to state what they are. MSM and politicians tells us they believe men are women and that “only women have cervixes” is something that should not be said.

Last week Jennifer Swayne, was arrested in Wales, and kept in a cell, then interrogated in the middle of the night, while a search warrant was issued to search her house and a book was confiscated. If you think it has nothing to do with you because she is a woman, remember "first they came for the jews and I said nothing..."

For the silent majority, they do know that men can’t be women, but they are either too afraid to say so, in case they may be accused of being feminists or transphobic, or they don’t want to lose money, which happens to those who speak up as they are demonised and ostracised. Unless of course we all just stopped lying.


Tyranny of War versus Tyranny of Equality


Nodes of Mercury (word) and Venus (woman)