The chart of Kelly-Jay Keen aka Poise Parker, would be the perfect place to start a study of the nodes of Mercury (words) and Venus (women).

Kellie-Jay Keen put the definition of woman on the world map in 2018 when she put it on a billboard in Liverpool, and a group of men promptly complained to the advertising company Primesight, that it was a hateful symbol that made them feel unsafe.

Primesight, the worlds biggest advertisement company, did not tell the men to sod off, but instead took down the sign (after only two days up), and issued an official apology to the men, that it should have raised a red flag in their copy department as it was so offensive. No apology has been made to women for that to this date.

Instead it seems that we are no longer allowed to call women women, and MSM refer to women as ‘uterus havers’, ‘bodies with vaginas’, “chest feeders”, “people who menstruate” and many other degrading terms, while some men claim to be women and indeed are referred to as women by MSM. This is of course not only the most misogynist turn of society we’ve seen in our lifetime, but as well just maddening to anyone with common sense, and Kellie-Jay Keen has more common sense than most. She also has more persistence and courage than most and there are ways to speak the truth, even in times of censorship. Kellie-Jay never loses, and though queen of the banned, she keeps speaking the truth.

For the proper background to understand the relevans of the Venus and Mercury archetypes I recommend reading my article Woman & the Word.

So let’s dive in and have a look for ourselves. We’d be especially interested in the nodes of Mercury (word) and Venus (woman). The nodes of Mercury are the light blue arrow, and the nodes of Venus the golden arrow.

Kellie-jay Keen birth chart. (hour unknown)

We can see right away that Kellie-Jay’s Mercury is conjunct its own south node and her north node of Mercury is conjunct our collective north node of Uranus. Her south node of Venus is conjunct her Saturn and the north node of Jupiter, and her north node of Venus is conjunct her southnode of the Moon (exact) and her Sun (2 degrees).

So with that in mind, lets first look at the overall picture of the chart. Kellie-Jay is from the Pluto in Libra generation (1971-1983). This is a generation of people who for better or worse, have some of their deepest security concerns and desires, and some of their greatest powers and feelings of powerlessness in matters of the Libra archetype. The Pluto in Libra generation is the generation of the supermodels. Libra rules beauty. Libra also rules partnerships and cooperation and the EU (for better or worse) was made during Plutos transit through Libra. Libra also rules fairness and women, and Kellie-Jay is deeply concerned with matters of fairness and women.

Her Pluto is square Mercury (words/speech) and Saturn (reality/restriction) in Cancer (mother). Pluto powers up and intensifies anything it is in contact with. As I don’t have the birth hour, the Moon can be between around 20 degrees Pisces and 2 degrees Aries, so the Moon might either oppose Pluto or square the Lunar nodes.

Kellie-Jay is a happily married stay home mother of four.

She is a brilliant and powerful speaker, and has a YouTube channel where she covers women news. She also has a non-profit online shop where she sells t-shirts and merchandise with the definition of woman and other clever points raising awareness all over the world.

The lunar nodes aka the Destiny Line, Kellie-Jays soul mission in this lifetime, runs from Gemini (south node) to Sagittarius (north node). Gemini ruling words and speech and Sagittarius ruling beliefs/dogma and truth. The Sun (illumination and creation) is conjunct the south node. From an evolutionary perspective that takes reincarnation into perspective it would indicate that I’s of recent past incarnations (south node) have been occupied with matters of words and language (Gemini) and creativity/illumination/fame (Sun), it could be related to speaking in public. From a more mundane perspective, it suggests that either by influences in early life, or by a seemingly ‘born with’ talent/difficulty (south node of the Moon), she is special/creative/illuminating (Sun) in matters of words/communication/speech (Gemini).

Neptune ruler of Pisces is in Sagittarius, widely conjunct the north node of the Moon, and Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius is in Pisces, squaring the Lunar nodes. When the rulers of two signs are each in the sign of the other ruler, it is called mutual reception. In a sense one may say that each planet feel what the other feels. Sagittarius and Jupiter is about truth versus dogma. Pisces and Neptune is about conscience versus illusion. Kellie-Jay who I believe is an atheist, has a theology university education. This implies an interest in understanding belief systems (north node of the Moon in Sagittarius with Neptune).

Squares to the lunar nodes are indicative of some of the most difficult experiences in our life. From an evolutionary perspective the archetypes involved in the squares tell the story of something that was so difficult to be up against the last time around that it stopped the individual in being able to continue their intended evolution. It thus remains to be solved. The individual will then come up against archetypal representations of those difficulties until it is solved (this can sometimes take many lifetimes if the lessons are particularly difficult). Kellie-Jay did not look for this fight. She came up against a dogma that she would not abide to because it is not true. A man is not a woman. That is objectively false. A woman is an adult human female and that is simply the truth. But we’re no longer allowed to name what we are because of a new gender ideology. Kellie-Jay keeps naming what we are. She has been censored (silence=Pisces), banned (exile=Pisces), and prosecuted by the police (law=Jupiter). And as many who don’t bow to the current dogma, she has been vilified, demonised, lied about, to shy people from hearing the truth she speaks. She is standing up against a dogmatic belief system (Jupiter) that demands illusion (Pisces) be law (Jupiter).

With Jupiter square the nodes the difficulty the individual runs up against is to do with dogmatism. Jupiter rules truth and belief, so when there is problems in the Jupiter area, it is when belief and truth is not in accordance. Sometimes this comes from the outside and sometimes from the inside. The beliefs about what is true is what we base our laws on, so the beliefs of society becomes the law individuals live under. If beliefs are not in accordance with truth, it may even become illegal to tell the truth.

Kellie-Jay has Uranus in Libra. Uranus transited Libra June 1969 to November 1974. Uranus rules trauma and individuation. Those years had a strong focus on women’s (Libra) liberation (Uranus).

So now we have some background for the archetypes involved, let’s look again at the nodes of Venus and Mercury.

The south node of Mercury is conjunct Mercury. Her thoughts that she speaks of, springs in many ways from motherhood (Cancer). The most fundamental difference between men and woman from which all other differences origin.

The north node of Mercury, the point the thoughts lead to, is conjunct our collective north node of Uranus. This is the point of the forward evolution of the collective unconscious mind. Those who see early which way we’re heading and warn about it, or propose different solutions, are often seen as controversial (Uranus/nodes of Uranus), and as absurd as it may seem, Kellie-Jay is called controversial for pointing out that a woman is an adult human female. However the controversy raises awareness in our collective mind of the absurdity and warns us where we’re heading if we render words meaningless.

She also speaks directly of the problems the science (Uranus nodes) the new belief system uses. Kellie-Jay calls a spade a spade and was prosecuted by the police for saying that she found it repulsive that a mother would castrate her 16 year old son, when a mother was cherished as stunning and brave for doing so and making Ted talks and children books about it.. Though the charges of “malicious communication, harassment, public order nuisance, hate speech, and conspiracy” for uttering such words, were dropped when she lawyered up, castrate (Uranus) is another word (Mercury), that according to the dogma Kellie-Jay is up against, we’re no longer allowed to say when the procedure is performed on humans. But is it any better to be castrated just because we relabel it to something that sounds less bad?

Sudden changes to language are always a red flag. It is an attempt to cover up something when words are changed to sound like something else than what they actually describe. Top surgery sounds top-notch. Double mastectomy less top-notch and more like the reality of slicing off the breasts. But if teenagers slicing off healthy breasts is really top-notch, why would we have to change the name so we don’t get reminded what it means? Sex-change also sounds great. If it was actually possible to change sex for humans. The reality of amputating vital bodyparts and becoming a lifelong medical patient that is still the same sex as before, but just dysfunctional is not so great. To understand how undermining the language to be able to control the people, works, read 1984 by George Orwell and pay attention to the description of Newspeak. Kellie-Jay keep naming what the new terms really mean.

If words don’t matter why would Kellie-Jay be attacked for stating the dictionary definition of a woman? If they do matter, why would it not matter for women if they can keep the word woman to describe themselves? Naming everything accurately is the foundation for knowing the truth. Naming (Gemini) and categorising (Virgo) everything is the function of Mercury, dual ruler of Gemini and Virgo. If we don’t name things correctly we get lies.

Kellie-Jay has Venus in Taurus. Venus is dual ruler of Libra and Taurus. Taurus rules the 5 senses, ownership and the body. The south node of Venus is conjunct Saturn and the north node of Jupiter, the point where our collective beliefs run towards. She is holding the line (Saturn=walls) against collective belief systems that aren’t based on truth based in reality (Saturn). Her sense (Venus Taurus) of what a woman is, springs from (south node) the reality (Saturn) of motherhood (Cancer) and that leads to (north node) the illumination (Sun) of the word (Gemini) that is necessary to keep intact (woman=adult human female, not adult human male) in order to complete the soulmission of overcoming the obstacles in the way of truth (nodes of the Moon).

Kellie-Jay has done an amazing job at raising awareness of what a woman is in these times of delusion and women all over the world are joining in as it becomes more and more apparent that we are not allowed to name ourselves. That our rights are being taken away and our children are being harmed by an ideology based on illusions. When women get banned from society for stating the definition of woman, we know society has reached a new previously unknown level of misogyny. Luckily there are more and more women who like Kellie-Jay, are not having it. As more speak up we are not as easy to silence.

The adult human female campaign is not a movement with any particular political orientation. It is just women who regardless of other differences, concerns and beliefs can all agree that a woman is an adult human female, that gaslighting of, and chemical or surgical sterilisation of children is abuse that children cannot consent to, and that keeping female language to describe females only is important to stand up for.

A woman is an adult human female, and Kellie-Jay Keen is a prime example of one.

I stand with Kellie-Jay for women. God bless her dear brilliant soul!


The Erasure of Women


The Escape to Freedom