jk Rowling


J. K. Rowling, is a world famous British author, philanthropist, film producer, screenwriter, and the author of the Harry Potter series, which has won multiple awards and sold more than 500 million copies.
With her work having touched so many people, her birth chart is a treat in studying the connections to the collective planetary nodes.

You may picture the collective planetary nodes nodes as currents of our collective evolution of the archetypes of the outer planets, that we all have running through our charts in the same place.

The collective planetary nodes of the outer planets, move so slowly that everyone alive, and their parents and children have them on roughly the same degrees. When a planet conjuncts a collective planetary node, it affects everyone. Thus someone who sells 500 million copies of their book is likely to have significant conjunctions to the collective planetary nodes from planets and points in their chart. The personal connecting with the collective.


Connections to collective planetary nodes in the chart of JK Rowling

The darker coloured lines in the chart drawing are the collective planetary nodes and the lines with arrows are the personal planetary nodes of Moon=white, Mercury=silver-blue, Venus=yellow, Mars=pale-red.


Her natal Sun at 8.23° Leo is conjunct our collective north node of Neptune in Leo.

Her Lunar nodes (white arrow) aka the Destiny Line as well as her IC/MC axis are conjunct our collective nodes of Uranus

Her nodes of Mercury (silver-blue arrow) have the south node conjunct the planet Mercury and the north node conjunct our collective north node of Pluto.

Her Nodes of Venus (the yellow arrow) have the south node conjunct her Moon and the north node conjunct the north node of Jupiter and our collective north node of Pluto.


Jo’s parents; Anne, a science technician, and Peter, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer, first met on a train departing from King's Cross Station bound for Arbroath in 1964, and got married soon after. Jo’s Lunar nodes aka Destiny Line are in close conjunction with the IC/MC axis aka the parental axis. Gemini (IC) and Sagittarius (MC) rules travel (Sagittarius) and train stations (Gemini), authors (Sagittarius) and words (Gemini). The MC also rules career and aspiration.

Jo’s Lunar nodes and IC/MC axis are closely conjunct our collective nodes of Uranus, the collective unconscious mind (the blue line behind the white arrow in the chart drawing). The nodes of Uranus (on the parental axis) are also rulers of science (her mother) and aircraft (her father). With the Lunar nodes conjunct the collective nodes of Uranus her personal evolutionary intention, what her soul wishes for her to learn, evolve through, or accomplish in this incarnation, runs through the river of the collective unconscious mind, so to speak.

With the Lunar south node in Sagittarius and Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius conjunct the Lunar north node in Gemini. there is a call to bring something of the past (south node) into the future (north node).

This could be a gift or a talent from a past incarnation that the soul desires to bring to fruition, or something that the soul wishes to revisit for whatever reason. Jupiter and Sagittarius rules books and authors, and Jo says she lived for books as a child, and wanted to be a writer from an early age. She wrote her first book at the age of six, a story about a rabbit, called ‘Rabbit’. At eleven, she wrote her first novel, about seven cursed diamonds and the people who owned them. With the Lunar south node conjunct the MC and Lunar north node conjunct IC, Jupiter also pulls her career (MC) into her private life (IC). Her career (MC) is her inner universe (IC).

There’ll likely be a pull towards (north node of the Moon) speaking (Gemini) the truth (Jupiter), or saying (Gemini) her opinion (Jupiter). However speaking may be an area where great difficulties are met. Mercury dual ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is squaring the Lunar nodes from Virgo. This is part of having to confront some dragons of a past life, that have prevented her from fulfilling her evolutionary intention in a past incarnation.


Planets squaring the nodes, from the perspective of evolutionary astrology that takes reincarnation into perspective, means that something related to the archetypes in the squares (planet, sign and house) in a previous incarnation, presented an obstacle so difficult, that it prevented the individual of fulfilling their evolutionary intention. Thus the problem remains to be solved, and various archetypal representations of the problem will present, so the current I has the chance to confront and defeat the dragon of the past, so to speak. Each archetype has positive and negative expressions, and with squares to the nodes, the individual will likely struggle with some of the negative expressions presenting in their lives. When confronted with the negative expressions the individual is forced to learn new skills to overcome those obstacles. It is a well known phenomena that people with great creative skills often have suffered trauma, and the creative skills have been developed as a way to cope with the trauma. 

“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”―Samuel Johnson,



From Virgo Jo has a stellium of Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto and the Moon squaring the Lunar nodes. Opposite in Pisces, she has Saturn and Chiron squaring the Lunar nodes from the other side.

Uranus squaring the Lunar nodes is an indicator that trauma has been suffered that has prevented individuation. One may say the individual is born with PTSD from a past incarnation. Dealing with and healing from that past life trauma is part of the evolutionary intention with current incarnation.. This makes every archetype involved in the Lunar nodes and the squares part of a trauma signature as all is in hard aspect to Uranus..

Given the collective nodes of Uranus are merged with the Lunar nodes, it may be that the past life trauma is connected to a collective trauma (she wasn’t the only one it happened to, or the struggle is shared by many). 

Pluto is in close conjunction to Uranus. This indicates that the past life trauma has been profound enough to shake the soul, and the need to individuate is as deep as the soul. Pluto squaring the nodes is one of the most difficult squares to the nodes the struggle affects the soul. Pluto also rules the Underworld, so encounters with aspects of the darker side of humanity may have happened, which can get pretty dark. Pluto and Uranus being in the 7th house would indicate that those difficulties present through others. In dealing with those difficulties she will likely be forced to develop her own power in order to combat powerful others that seek to disempower her. With Pluto ruling merging and Uranus ruling splitting, some very difficult choices may have had to be made..

Persecution is ruled by Virgo. Mercury the dual ruler of Virgo and Gemini, thus ruler of her north node of the Moon (Gemini) where she strives towards, when squaring the Lunar nodes, could be related to things like having said something, or objected to something that got her in trouble, or not being heard or allowed to speak, or being accused of lying, or having lies and gossip spread about her, or being interrogated and demanded to say something specific.  With Venus involved the inner values may have been challenged, she may have been forced to make a devastating choice, she may have been an object of desire or projection, it may be related to partners, women, or being a woman, the body may have been harmed,. The Moon may be related to the mother, motherhood, pregnancy or midwives.

Saturn and Chiron in Pisces.. With Chiron great suffering is implied. Pisces could be related to things like prison, or forced surrender, hopelessness, suicide, grief, drowning.  Saturn oppressive forces, or rejection, too much responsibility put on the individual, scapegoating, walls, restriction, (Saturn) of free will, (1st house) or physical harm, war, or fire (1st house) . The north node of Mars conjunct Jupiter, ruler of the south node of the Moon (the past)..Mars is in the 8th house..could have been fire?

The Lunar nodes and the squares to the nodes in the signs of the Mutable Cross (Gemini/Sagittarius, crossed by Virgo/Pisces), means the past life struggle is related to clashed with belief systems, this may relate to religions, dogmas, different cultures, language, speech, truth versus lie, persecution, alienation, exile.
The Lunar nodes and squares to the nodes in the Cardinal houses (1, 4, 7, 10) means the struggle is related to physical reality. Clashes between the self and another, between oppressive forces of society and the vulnerable self.



Jo conceived the idea of Harry Potter in 1990 while sitting on a delayed train from Manchester to London King’s Cross, the station where her parents had crossed paths so that she came into being, and the place she used as the gateway into the Wizarding World in her book about Harry Potter.

3 remarkable Solar Arc aspects happened in Joanne’s chart through 1990 and 1991. The Solar Arc prediction method is roughly moving the whole chart one degree per year of life. When a Solar Arc planet or point, hits a natal planet or point, it unlocks events told by the archetypes involved.

In 1990 her Solar Arc Neptune reached her MC+our collective south node of Uranus+her south node of the Moon. Meanwhile, her Solar Arc Jupiter reached her natal north node of Venus, and in 1991 the Solar Arc Sun reached the natal south node of Mercury.

But though genius stroke at that point it was not an easy time for young Jo. Her mother had suffered from multiple sclerosis for 10 years and died in December 1990, and it seems Jo had a difficult relationship with her father, who she says had once told her he wished she had been a boy. The squares from the Lunar nodes to the Moon (mother) and Saturn (father). 

In the Solar Arc Neptune we see the archetypes both describing the loss of her mother (Neptune rules sickness and loss, MC rules parents) and the idea of Harry Potter (Neptune rules imaginary worlds, MC rules career, or life goal). and her natal Neptune is in Scorpio (magic) in the 9th house (authors). The nodes of Uranus connecting it all to our collective mind. Her nodes of Venus (the yellow arrow) run from the south node of Venus conjunct her natal Moon and the north node of Venus is conjunct our collective north node of Pluto and the north node of Jupiter. The nodes of Venus relate to her evolution of relationships beauty, value and love, and through her writing (Solar Arc Jupiter hitting north node of Venus) she channeled those very personal feelings (Moon with south node of Venus) that has touched the souls of so many (north node of Venus conjunct our collective north node of Pluto) . 

I can imagine that she might have felt, -as one might do when loved ones are dying- that none of the available directions were leading to a place she wanted to go. This kind of emotional pressure could lead to imagine a completely different destination.

Jo with her first husband

Joanne fled her husband and Portugal, and returned to the U with her baby girl only a few months old in her arms and the first 3 chapters of Harry Potter in her suitcase. With Uranus square the Lunar nodes,  shock and trauma, as well as divorce may be part of obstacles the individual meets. There is a strong need to liberate the self from tyranny or oppression in Uranus squaring the Lunar nodes.

As a single mother of a small baby and with no money, Jo signed up for welfare benefits, describing her economic status as being "poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless".  With Venus square the Lunar nodes,  The individual may go through periods of extreme poverty or being grossly undervalued. Struggles may be related to partner or relationships (or lack thereof).

During this period, Jo felt as a complete failure, she was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. (Saturn/Chiron/Pluto/Uranus square the nodes problems). But she kept writing. Her depression inspired the characters known as Dementors, soul-sucking creatures introduced in the third book. She wrote (Jupiter) in cafés (Gemini) because her apartment was ice cold, and taking her baby out for a walk helped her to fall asleep, and cafe’s had heat and plenty of coffee.

Jo’s husband (Pluto) came looking for her and she had to get an Order of Restraint (Jupiter=law) before he returned to Portugal, and she finalised the divorce (Uranus). But Joanne kept writing through it all and began a teacher (Jupiter) training course (Gemini).


In 1995, when the progressed Sun reached her natal Venus (value) at 7 degrees Virgo, Joanne had finished her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and a Literary Agency agreed to represent Jo in her quest for a publisher. The book was submitted to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. (Saturn square the nodes=rejection)

But a year later, she was finally given the green light (and a £1,500 advance) by Bloomsbury, a publishing house in London. The decision to publish the book is said to be owed to the eight-year-old daughter of Bloomsbury's chairman, who was given the first chapter to review by her father and immediately demanded the next. 

Jo said in a recent interview, that she didn’t want to use her own name, because she did not want her x-husband to know she had been published, so she choose JK Rowling as pen name.,  (K is for Kathleen, her paternal grandmother)

Woman of the year 1998 JK Rowling Time

Although Bloomsbury agreed to publish the book, they advised her to get a day job, since she had little chance of making money in children's books.

The year after that, Joanne was best selling author sensation, and on the cover of Time as Woman of the Year.

Over the next 10 years Joanne remarried (this time happily), had two more children, finished the series of Harry Potter books that were turned into big hits on the movie screen, which made her a billionaire though she gave most of her money to charity and remained a humble millionaire. She continues to write books, and even wrote a detective book under a synonym to try to get an honest rejection from a publisher as she said in an interview. It received some praise as a good debut novel, but it was found out that it was her, so the thrill of anonymity was short, but fun while it lasted.

All in all, everything was set up for the “and now that she had fulfilled her destiny, she lived happily ever after”. But not so quickly with all those squares to the nodes and the times in which we live..


In 2019 Jo’s Solar Arc Mars conjuncted her MC, and her Solar Arc Moon conjuncted her natal Neptune, while her Solar Arc Jupiter reached her DC, and Joanne became the target of a modern day witch trial, when she followed the account of Magdalen Berns on Twitter. 

“Magdalen was an immensely brave young feminist and lesbian who was dying of an aggressive brain tumour. I followed her because I wanted to contact her directly, which I succeeded in doing” -JK Rowling

Jo, reached out and helped Magdalen get a comfortable bed and whatever little things money can do to slightly help when one is dying.

Magdalen passed in late 2019, God bless her sweet soul on its journey

Jo’s Solar arc Moon (caring) on Neptune (for a sick or dying) new friend (Jupiter on DC) who speaks the truth (Jupiter).

But an angry mob thought Jo was wrong to be kind to Magdalen, because Magdalen did not believe that men are women, and the mob thought that was wrong, and so they started burning Jo’s books and DVDs.. Jo’s Solar Arc Mars (fire) on the MC (career). Mars also rules taking a stand, the MC rules public face. Mars also rules war, and Jo became a target in the current war on women.

Here we see both Uranus squaring the Lunar nodes as the angry mob, and Pluto as the powerful somewhat hysterical other ( the public acting like an abusive husband) that attempts to disempower her and control what she says (Mercury). The attack on her is because of a question of speech (Mercury) that it is about the definition of woman (Venus/Moon)..

When Jo also came out in support of Maya Forstater who was fired from her job for believing humans can’t change sex, the mob screamed for death of all witches, and children’s author Gillian Philip, was fired from her publisher for tweeting #IStandWithJKRowling.

Jo tweeted in response to WHO rebranding women as ‘People who menstruate.’:

The mob started chanting for Jo’s execution. the hashtag R.I.P. Rowling was trending on twitter, MSM called her tweets transphobic, and honours and rewards were removed from her.

As Jo states in her 2020 open letter about the matter: 

“We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now.” -JK Rowling

The MSM then went on and posted interview with Jo’s abusive x-husband who said he did not regret hitting her.

Loyal fans of Jo put up a poster at Edinburgh train station for her birthday saying I ❤️ JK Rowling, but it was removed after the angry mob complained it was hateful. Another fan put op a billboard in Vancouver, again stating I ❤️ JK Rowling, but again it was take down by law when the mob was fuming that it was hateful and so they hatefully vandalised it and it was not allowed to stay.. 

When the Scottish police recently stated that they fully believe any rapist who says he’s a woman as anything else would be dehumanising to the rapist, and thus the police records crimes of men who rape women as ‘women who rape women’, Jo tweeted with reference to Orwell’s 1984

In response Jo’s name has been all but scrubbed out from the promotional material for the latest Fantastic Beasts film, The Secrets of Dumbledore. She has now been demoted to a small publishing-rights note at the end of the new trailer. The actors she made famous letting them play in her movies are denouncing her, while they’re basking in the spotlight of her creation, and she did not get invited to anniversary celebrations of the Harry Potter movie.

Squares to the nodes are never easy. However Jo remains graceful and dignified. A great and gentle artist, who will continue to bring joy and relief to children in generations to come, through the playful empowering imagination of her work,.

God Bless her compassionate courageous soul. I ❤️ JK Rowling.


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